Once upon a time, during a sunny but breezy Thursday afternoon, I was sitting in front of my inutil (coz it only functions when you plug it to an electric source) but very lovable laptop. I was busy submitting my online applications when I suddenly felt the urge to check my Facebook account. Adorable cartoon characters used as profile pictures welcomed me in my news feed. I checked my notifications, there were a few comments here and there. And I also had one new message in my inbox. When I opened the very long message filled with links, I honestly thought it was a spam, like the messages random strangers send you selling fat burning protein shakes or something. haha. So I scrolled down and was about to click Delete when I saw a very familiar name mentioned in the message and BOOM!
There I saw it. My very first...HATE MAIL.
A stranger sent me a hate mail. Like seriously? You? Hate? Me? haha. I can't believe someone would actually feel that way towards me, considering the fact that I don't even know the person! Although, I admit, I've hated people in the past but knowing that someone hates you (even if it's a stranger) makes me feel uncomfortable! HAHA. Especially if you're someone like me who tries to maintain good vibes with others. But before I went gaga over it, I decided to read it first. Who knows? Maybe it was meant for someone else, like mis-sent text messages? And maybe it was just a coincidence that "his" name was mentioned. Right?
But HELL NO. It really was for me. hahaha. The first thing that came to mind was, "Wow, this is definitely something new!" I guess there's a first time for everything, eh?
I'd rather not share the exact contents of the message. I got shocked and upset at first but after reading it's entirety, I found it rather amusing...and honestly, it brought a smile to my face. Like this one - :D
It was evident that the sender, let's call her Ms. Erable, did a lot of research and she knew me very well- BASED ONLY ON WHAT SHE SAW ON FACEBOOK. Now, isn't that the best way to get to know and judge someone? BRAVO! HAHA.
Also, I was a bit flattered that someone would actually take the time to stalk me, look at my photos, read my comments, my posts, even ask a friend to do a favor and add me on Facebook just so she can stalk me! haha. Isn't that amazing? Going through all those effort just to secretly gain information about someone and create invalid judgments based on that alone? And wait wait wait, it doesn't end there, she actually went the extra mile and wrote me a VERY VERY LONG (I'm not exaggerating) message filled with links which served as her visual aids. VIVA!! hahaha.
Wow, I can't believe people go that far to express their hatred for someone. The farthest I've gone was writing a post in this blog (which I deleted afterwards. HE HE). It's quite ironic how my first entry was about me hating someone and now it's about someone hating me. Is this a typical case of what comes around, goes around a.k.a Karma by Alicia Keys? hahaha.
I didn't reply to the message, I'd rather not go down to that level. But I would just like to share my final words to whoever sent that message:
To my new found friend, Ms. Erable, I want to thank you for showing deep interest on what I do in my facebook acount, my blog, my life and that person I used to be involved with. I sincerely appreciate the effort you've put into researching all those information about him, but just so you know, I REALLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN. :)) You don't even know the real score between us. But then again, that is none of your business. Since you have been such a loyal follower of my life, let me share with you three little words that might help save your sanity:
GET A LIFE. It's never too late! :)
GET A LIFE. It's never too late! :)
GY :)
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